Which self-publisher are you?

Self-publishing has developed into a boom.

Publish without anyone interfering. Decide for yourself when the book is published. And earn a significant amount from sales.
This is how book publishing works today!

Become part of the movement: Choose your path
and publish your book now!

The do-it-yourselfer

"My book" is the cheapest way to start publishing a printed book. Your text is laid out, a cover is designed and printed - then your finished book is distributed via online retailers and any bookshop.

My book

For those who want to have their book on the market but market it themselves.
From 690€

Help from us 60%

Typesetting, cover layout, printing & distribution. Proofreading and advertising optional.

The professional

At Paramon-Verlag you will be looked after. We not only take care of the typesetting and cover design, but also the printing, distribution and, above all, the marketing, which you have the option of choosing.

Paramon publishing house

Self-publishing with publishing know-how and support, professional marketing available.
From 2.400€

Help from us 80%

Typesetting, cover layout, printing & distribution. Social media advertising & personal support included. Proofreading optional, large selection of marketing measures available.

The VIPs

The Literaturgesellschaft offers the best of the best: personal support, editing work included, the book layout and cover anyway, special editions are possible, we print at our own expense. Our marketing has often brought authors into the media and onto popular talk shows.

Literary Society

Full range of services, special equipment, maximum marketing, personal support.
From €5,900

Help from us 100%

Proofreading, typesetting, cover layout, printing & distribution as well as extensive marketing. Personal support in our offices in Berlin, Vienna and Zug.

"The YouTube literary establishment:
The literary potential is enormous."

Our author advisors will help you with your choice:

Choose what you want, on the right is our recommendation.

  • Text correction
  • Layout incl. cover
  • Printing and distribution
  • Marketing
  • Personal support
  • Do as much as possible yourself
  • most favorable option
  • Largest scope of services

You only need help in certain areas? We have! Directly to: Editing Graphic Marketing

Thinking too big? Start now for free
Your e-book with
We advise you!
Send us your text:

What is self-publishing?

verb self-pub-lish

: with your own resources
publish a book/e-book

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<— früher          heute —>

Self-publishing is a success story

Proportion of self-published books
of all books published in 2013.

(Source: estimate by experts)

Proportion of self-publishing authors
on the Amazon bestseller list (25.7.12)

(Source: Buchreport)

Circulation figures for the three most successful authors alone,
who started out in self-publishing.

You decide,
that your book will be published.

Today, any author can bring their book to market. They are not dependent on publishers. Only the readers decide on success.

Get help.

However, a good author does not necessarily have to be a good editor, graphic designer or advertiser: You decide for yourself who should help you where. 

Self-publishing means

Every book finds its readers. What once revolutionized the music industry,
is happening on the book market these days.
Democratization has finally arrived in the publishing industry.

There are many success stories.
Write your own!

Not every author seeks fame or financial wealth; the motivation to publish is very different. For those who want to immortalize their family history as a book, success is something different than for those who want to earn a living as a writer. However, many authors have already proven that financial success is possible. Read ...

Do you have any questions?
We have the answers!

Anyone doing self-publishing for the first time has a lot of questions.
We have Answers on the most common ones.
Get help from others who are already real self-publishing pros!