What is an ISBN and do I really need one as a self-publisher?

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is used worldwide to uniquely identify books. It is a complicated system that follows different rules in different countries. Important to know: Buying an ISBN alone is not enough! When booksellers research the data, they also need to see where they can buy the book with the [...]


Fixed book prices: What you need to know as a self-publisher

Fixed book pricing is a fascinating cultural policy instrument that is handled differently internationally and can have a significant impact on you as a self-publisher. As a self-publisher, you operate in a global market, so it's crucial to understand where and how fixed prices apply. In this detailed blog post, you will learn everything you need to know about fixed book prices internationally and receive practical [...]


The ultimate guide to pricing your book: How to maximize sales and profits as a self-publisher

You've spent months working on your book, proofread it, designed a stunning cover and are ready to finally present it to the world. But before you press the "Publish" button, there's one more important decision to make: What price should your book be? Pricing is both an art and a science. As a self-publisher, you have the freedom to set your [...]