Not at all: It's all just made-up stuff! Myths were once used to explain the world - in general and in particular, from the creation of the universe to the tiniest creepy-crawly. They also provided reasons for behavior and ways of interacting with each other. These stories contributed to the development of national cultures as well as to the self-image within families. They have also influenced us.
We heard our first stories as legends and fairy tales long before we started school. They shaped us like the people who told them to us. Only later were we taught knowledge about the world; knowledge based on facts. Facts are facts and remain so despite all scientific and technological progress. But when the world around us changes, the old myths can be reinterpreted and retold. Even with a wink ...
You don't have to take the original too seriously. The main thing is that it helps us to cope with today, reminds us where we come from and motivates us to move forward.