You want to celebrate a birthday or have an afternoon of games, but for some reason it's not possible? Neither at your place nor anywhere else? Unfortunately, it happens, which is a shame, but not a bad thing. But please remember how important this one day used to be for you! And HOW IMPORTANT this one day of the year is for your child now! It is THE day par excellence. So skipping your child's birthday party is not an option - no way! But what then? Celebrate it online? Hardly anyone can imagine that. Meeting on a screen is boring and impersonal? NO! It doesn't have to be! Many people don't think much of online partying, I know. But maybe it's because they can't imagine that it could be fun? Or because they don't have any ideas on how to make it happen? Or simply because it's different and unusual? Or because we've never done it like this before? But that's why we're badmouthing it to the children? Somehow not fair, is it? Of course, it's not quite comparable to a normal birthday party. But it's 1000x better than no birthday party! Sometimes it just has to be an online party! You'll see that it works much better than you think. And don't worry, you're not just sitting in front of a screen, feeling stupid or chatting a bit. No, there's another way! Namely, just as funny as usual. It really feels like a birthday party! There are just a few things to bear in mind. I've come up with a few ideas for you. I've packed almost everything you'd expect from a normal birthday into the book as an online version, even a treasure hunt or piñata at the end. Let yourself be surprised! There are so many possibilities, games, variations and templates in my book that you can choose exactly what you like and what suits your child from this whole "buffet of ideas". After all, everyone likes something different and every age has its own interests. You can customize everything, it's your party! Although the book is primarily intended to turn an offline party into a really great online party, you can also use it to plan a normal children's birthday party, a theme party or an afternoon of play without any problems! And to make it easy for you, I've packed everything you could possibly need from the beginning to the end of a birthday (planning, invitation, decorations, cake, games, party ...) into the book. There are more games and ideas than you can implement in one party. This book is therefore suitable for many parties or play afternoons without becoming boring. As a book buyer, you will also receive the templates as a download! Just try it out and give this new way of celebrating a chance. Have fun! Contents: - 7 different ready-made invitations with twice as many envelopes - more than 20 great game ideas plus various variants and templates - more than 20 small craft tips - a total of over 120 template pages - various party ideas, theme parties, play afternoons, age tips and much more ... - countless ideas, help with getting creative and lots of fun and great birthday options - Everything you need is included here, even for a normal children's birthday party!