Spine Many people expect to find recipes, diet instructions, sports exercises and various reading instructions in a book about losing weight. I have deliberately omitted this information because the market already offers so much. Will! In my opinion, it is important to awaken the will in people to lose weight. This is what I hope to achieve through my heartfelt words to my girlfriend and to all other people who feel addressed. As soon as the will is awakened, the person will find ways and means to get the information, help and materials. Wish! Many people are very concerned about other people, about people who are overweight. These people are at risk to their health and it has been proven that being overweight significantly reduces life expectancy. Overweight people in particular have friends, partners and children who worry about them and are often afraid for them. Do overweight people know about this concern of others? I often ask myself this question! Lose weight! Start, start now, give yourself time to lose weight, don't put yourself under too much pressure and firmly believe that what is slow will be good in the end. Really good! Sincerely Vivien Hamann