Quo vadis, homine (Wohin gehst du, Mensch?

Über die Notwendigkeit und Möglichkeit eines grundlegenden Gesellschaftswandels


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The era of capitalism and the monetary system is coming to an end. In the future, it will not be money that rules the world, but the Borg. Star Trek fans know them: This form of existence assimilates everything. Even us humans and their inventors and developers. Today we call the Borg automation. And their power and speed of development is truly breathtaking. The near future will already belong to the hyper-fast internet and nanobots, invisible robots the size of molecules, data cloud extensions with swarm intelligence. And this technocratic hydra will no longer be oriented towards the needs of humans. In such a world, living beings and nature as a whole no longer have a place. We are the Borg. They are now being assimilated. Any resistance is futile.

Is this end-time vision too scary for you? Then just read the second part of the book! Only through a radical reversal of our way of life with a changed relationship to nature as the fabric of all life will human and earthly life as we know it continue to exist in the future. Herding will be the work of the future. Only in a culture of shepherding will nature, the world of living things, remain what it has always been for us: the source, the home and the grail of all existence.