23 Elemente in QR- Verständliche Prosagedichte

23 Lyriktexte vollständig im Qr Code


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23 Elemente in QR - Verständliche Proagedichte Subtitle: 23 Lyriktexte vollständig im QR Code Author: Burkhard Tomm-Bub, M.A. Content description:This book contains 23 lyric texts / comprehensible prose poems by BukTom Bloch aka Burkhard Tomm-Bub, M. A., which were written or illustrated entirely in QR code. The QR code (Quick Response, trademark term "QR code") is a two-dimensional code that was developed by the Japanese company Denso Wave around 1994. The use of the QR code is license-free and free of charge. Created with the page: http://goqr.me/ Checkable / readable via the page: http://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx

Mehr von Burkhard Tomm-Bub, M.A.

Burkhard Tomm-Bub, M. A. (born 1957 in Recklinghausen) is an educator, social worker & Master of Education (NF Psychology/Sociology). He is a strict opponent of Hartz IV, a volunteer refugee helper and much more. Interests: Language, social media, VR (Virtual Reality) especially the non-commercial distribution of literature & the promotion of charitable actions in Second Life. Avatar name: BukTom Bloch. One euro / the profit from this book will go to the charitable "50 Cent Group". https://50centcharity.blogspot.de/