Planet aus Papier

Band 1 - Uns gehen die Rohstoffe aus


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Dear reader, please consider the following: at this very moment, just before you started reading the foreword, i.e. these lines, a "mass murderer" opened this book. And in fact, this is not a mere assumption, nor, unfortunately, a slander, nor a purely statistically calculated probability. It happened exactly at that very moment. And it can even be attested to by someone who is very familiar with them. Because this "mass murderer", dear reader, is you. ...This book explains on the basis of publicly available data and facts - why we will run out of raw materials in a few decades - why there are no alternative options - why we superficially spend a lot on a human life, but in the consequence of our actions only statistically assign it a value of around 0.10 USD.

Mehr von Guy Boyer

Born and raised in East Westphalia Waldorf kindergarten and Waldorf school Training as an IT specialist International studies in business administration Work in IT consulting, the food industry and the automotive industry.