Why free of charge?

What's the catch? Nobody gives you anything in life!

Yes, we do.

We have a Mission and want to make it possible for everyone to publish their book free of charge.

Self-Publishing.com is one of the most important and long-standing self-publishing providers in Europe. We have always been looking for solutions for authors, learning together with them, falling down and getting up again and growing up. Today we know: There are different needs and different possibilities - but everyone should have the opportunity to publish their book.

Publishing on Self-Publishing.com is free of charge. For everyone. And you always get paid 100% of the profits. If you need help or are simply too comfortable to do things like editing or book and cover design yourself, you can get help somewhere - or at self-publishing.com.

And no, we really don't want to nibble off any percentages from book sales. It's your book, it will always be your book, the rights are always and exclusively yours - and the money from the sale is yours. 100% earnings. There is simply no catch.