We can observe that the established party system is changing due to certain causes. Old-age poverty is spreading and many fear cuts to the social security system. In Germany, people are protesting on the streets against the refugee policy, in France the "yellow vests" are taking to the streets and in Budapest people are taking legal action against a "slave law". One in ten people in Germany is affected by poverty and receives Hartz IV benefits. 25 % of all employees earn too little, many try to find a part-time job. Low earners will receive pensions in old age that they cannot live on. Poor people are forced to collect bottles from garbage cans and are dependent on the food provided by food banks. The diesel scandal and the approval of the poison glyphosate are evidence of lobbyist influence. Cooperation between security authorities in the fight against terrorism must be improved. It is high time that politicians made efforts to change refugee policy, health policy, tax policy and security policy. The cases of abuse and financial scandals in the Catholic Church are shaking its credibility. Abusive priests, religious and bishops often escape their just punishment, but receive their salaries within the framework of the concordat. I take the known incidents as an opportunity to question the Concordat in general. In my book, I point out numerous abuses so that voters will give their vote to the right party in the upcoming elections (European elections, state elections).